90 Days of AAcme City

Feeling guilty for not keeping up my blog! I read many blogs and love how they know just what to say with style and wit! and then I vow to ‘Add New Post’ to my own but keep getting sidetracked (rl gird and now building 3rg).  Today I joined a new google+ group ‘Virtual World Bloggers’ and felt compelled to finally blog again!

Since most of my online time has been spent building building building on our two regions in 3rd Rock Grid, AAcme City and AAcme City Southside, I decided to post some of the photos I’ve taken as we been building.   Come see us anytime and if you want to have a home or shop for FREE @AAcme City contact me here, google+, Facebook or inworld.

Step in Sunshine!

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Busy as a Bee *:-.,_,.-:*:-.,_,.-:**:-.,_,.-:*

If the first half of February was slow going for Sunbeam the second half found her zigzagging from grid, back and forth, to grid, while trying to juggle up many projects with deadlines and many start ups, new opportunities and adventures.  Where to start! giggles… oh we visited Second Life a couple times too and thoroughly enjoyed being back in our legacy world.

First, after Valentines’ Sunbeam took down the hearts, flowers and chocolates from her shop ‘SunbeamS’ located on OLanatic  being true to her heart she is setting up Fantasy items for the new look!  Zigzag on to 3rg (3rd Rock Grid) to help with Robstock 2013 by setting up a booth in the venue area and posting lots of info on Facebook and Google+. This year Haven Your World grid was added to the simulcast of the event along with Second Life, long time partner.  Of course Sunbeam had to zigzag over to Haven too!  All for a great  cause, the charity ‘Doctors without Borders‘.  The event raised 850$ USA dollars to donate.  Great job VW and GH avatars around the world!

Zigzag now over to Island Oasis and Sunbeams start work on a new contest build, theme: Beach Club.  Visions in my head swirl as I fly over through the metaverse of under`the`sea colors and mermaids float across my focus.  Sunbeam did not win the contest but had a grand time playing with the prims and be part of the contestants circle.  According to one founder, Sunbeam did come in second place Woot hoo! Also visited my friends Kat and Lion and and exclaimed what a great job she is doing on her Space house.  Kat and I went to the new zombie region too and danced and explored.  The region reminded me of AAcme City quite often.

Next (usually in the wee hours of the morning when most sleep and the world outside my window is quiet elegance) Sunbeam stealthily  zigzags over to Tundra 3D where the kind owners, Lucio and Avon, (romantic Italians ladies!), have provided Sunbeam with a sim..  Thank you!  Sunbeam will  never ‘finish’ this project, she insanely doesn’t care! She is having too much fun!  We are dreaming of  a Fairytopia… a work of love, where creatures of all types can drop in for a chat and some peace.  A stroll thru colors and warmth. 

Sunbeam then spent more time in Metropolis with her dear friend Miney (Minethere Always) playing with toys, working on a Steampunk region and discussing the most wonderful and important issues of the day… Virtual Worlds, are they here to stay?  ROFL  

Sunbeam did find some time to go dancing with friends in a few different grids and at one party won $375 P’s for a Best in Beachwear contest… heck we all had on bikini’s so I think it was my pale glittery pink skin that really won 🙂 Sunbeam told them her skin was made by sunrise kisses. Giggles. A grand time with hostess Vickie Day was had by all who came.  Vickie embarrassed Sun by saying it was Sun who gave Vickie her very first DJ gig in InWorst and at a nude region too.  LOL Fun times years ago! Of course my friend and special talented artist Torben Asp played for Doctors without Borders at the Robstock event and the donation thermometer went off the charts while Torben performed his magic particle show playing his soul wrenching music in accompaniment.  A real treat for everyone!

Sunbeam took lots and lots of pictures while grid hopping and will drop the best ones for your viewing pleasure below with captions.  She is trying to be more ‘arsty’ fartsy, as she likes to call it, and took a few weirdo snapshots and insisted on posting them on her blog,   sooooooo Enjoy!   Forgive her impertinence! She gets over eXcited while fluttering from grid to grid like the bee who flutters from flower to flower takes in the fragrance of life.  What a magical secret garden sort of life Sunbeam lives!

Step in Sunshine! and if you feel like doing a quick little jigsaw puzzle, pop over to SunbeamS Jib tab on top of the blog.